Thursday, February 26, 2009


Urbanity refers to the characteristics, personality traits, and viewpoints associated with cities and viewpoints associated with cities and urban areas. -- Wikipedia

Watch "URBANIDAD, Tamang Pag-uugali at Paggamit ng Kalunsuran at MMDA on the Road, Fridays at 7 pm at NBN 4 and experience the difference between the citified and the barbaric life of people in the cities commonly seen in Metro Manila. How to we create refinement and elegance and proper guide in using the city.

Check out our videos on YouTube very soon! You'll enjoy laughing and learning at the same time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

MMDA on the Road has good aims. I believe that people who have no manners or the ones who don't know how to live in harmony with others should be taught about the right way of living in a city. Because aside from its infrastructure, a city is only as beautiful as the people living in it. And after all, urban centers wouldn't have developed anyway if most of its people are disorganized and disorderly.

About the method of presentation, I think the show is actually quite professional. Just wished it had a more youth-oriented way presentation, like the show TWBF (This Week's Big Five), a show about Marikina City. That show was presented in an exciting manner, without compromising professionalism and educational value. Wish MMDA on the Road will be presented that way.

Anyway, the show has a good objective, so all in all, I think it's great. More power! :-)